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Reference Library
Funeral Etiquette and Protocol

Things every Legionnaire should keep in mind when attending visitations or funerals. See PDF File Here 

Basic Parliamentary Procedure

A quick guide to Robert's Rules. Avoid unproductive meetings and "dust ups." See PDF File Here

Planning Effective Meetings

Everything you need to plan and conduct any kind of meeting. See PDF File Here 


Legionnaires at every membership level are afforded the opportunity to suggest changes in their local posts' policies, or even to the manner in which the Legion operates as an organization. Legionnaires interested in initiating such a process must file a resolution – a written description of a problem or situation, followed by a suggestion as to how it may be corrected. A resolution may also be a statement or declaration pertaining to an issue of concern to the Legion. It consists of two parts: the preamble (description of the problem), and the resolve clause (how the local post, department or national organization should solve the problem or support the issue). The entire resolution should be one continuous sentence, with the preamble clause(s) preceding the resolve clause(s).

Use the Resolutions collection in the Digital Archive to search and view current resolutions from 1985 to present. Active resolutions within the legislative program are also included in this collection. For questions about historical resolutions that are no longer the policy of The American Legion please contact the Library.

See the Link to download the American Legion publication "Resolutions and Reports"

Questions regarding writing resolutions should be addressed to the Suffolk County American Legion Resolutions Chairman.
Contact information for the current chairman may be found on the "Committee Assignments" page of this website.

Many thanks to Past Post Commander Matthew Stahl for his work assembling much of the information in this reference library

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